Oregon Magazines Online
A list of Oregon magazines featuring celebrity news, movies, music, celebrities, TV shows, entertainment, fashion, sports, business, arts, personal health, and more.
Portland Monthly
Portland Monthly chronicles, challenges, and celebrates one of America’s most innovative cities ...
1859 Oregon's Magazine is a culture, travel and lifestyle magazine capturing the soul of Oregon.
Oregon Business
News and analysis on Oregon business, agriculture, transportation, finance, government, tourism, real estate and small businesses statewide.
Oregon Bride
Search our resource of venues, catering, reception sites, wedding gowns, wedding planners, destination weddings, award wining vendors, and more.
Oregon Family
Magazine, Where Community & Families Come Together
Terra magazine
Terra tells the stories of Oregon State University researchers through print, multimedia and the web
Travel Oregon magazine
Travel Oregon - From Mt Hood to the Oregon Coast, Explore Oregon with the official tourism site for Oregon.
Spot Magazine
Northwest pet magazine about pet health-animal behavior-dog training-cat behavior-pet friendly events-animal welfare-pet adoption-animal rescue-and more.
Eugene Magazine
Focusing on everything that makes Eugene one of the "most livable cities in America"
Cascade Arts & Entertainment
Bend Oregon’s #1 Fine Art Magazine Online Cascade Arts & Entertainment News
Tape Op
Tape Op Magazine - Longform candid interviews with music producers and audio engineers covering mixing, mastering, recording and music production.
Sports Car Market
Sports Car Market is the one-stop resource for insider's information on collecting, investing, values, and trends in the collector car market.
Bitch Media's Mission is to provide and encourage an engaged, thoughtful feminist response to media and popular culture.
Backwoods Home Magazine
Backwoods Home Magazine is a quarterly 116-page homesteading magazine with seasonal articles on building, gardening, canning, cooking, alternative energy, livestock, foraging, and preparedness.
Bitch Media's Mission is to provide and encourage an engaged, thoughtful feminist response to media and popular culture.
Brainstorm NW
Brainstorm NW Online Magazine. Read updated stories and share your views. Smart, educational and entertaining.
Cadence Magazine articles, interviews, jazz reviews, jazz music, available for free as separate files.
Willamette Law Review
Information for the Willamette Law Review at Willamette University College of Law in Salem, Oregon.
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Oregon is a coastal U.S. state in the Pacific Northwest known for its diverse landscape of forests, mountains, farms and beaches. The city of Portland is famed for its quirky, avant-garde culture and is home to iconic coffee shops, boutiques, farm-to-table restaurants and microbreweries. Highlights include the Native American art in the Portland Art Museum, the Japanese Garden and the Lan Su Chinese Garden.
Capital: Salem | Minimum wage: 9.75 USD per hour (Jul 1, 2016) | Population: 3.97 million (2014) - (Source: google)