TV Channels from Norway (Norge)
A list of Norway television (TV) channels in Norwegian, Bokmål, Nynorsk, Saami, North, and English featuring real-time coverage of the ongoing events, business, weather news, movies, drama, sports, music and more. Watch Live TV Online for Free.
TV Visjon Norge
TV Vision Norway is the first Scandinavian Christian TV channel which broadcasts 24 hours a day. It began broadcasting in 2003. It is preaching the Gospel of Jesus for in many different ways, Jesus Christ in word and deed.
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- Location: Europe
- Area: 324,220 km²
- Capital: Oslo
- Main Cities/State(s): Saipan, San Jose, Pagan Village, Agrihan Village ...
- Main Attractions: Preikestolen, Briksdalsbreen, Geirangerfjord ...
- Neighbor County(s): Finland, Russia, Sweden
- Population: 5,353,363 (2018)
- Internet Users: 5,311,892 (2018)
- Currency: Krone
- Official Language: Norwegian, Bokmål, Nynorsk, Northern Saami
- Country Code: 47
- ISO Codes: NO / NOR