List of All TV Channels from Japan (日本)
A list of Japan television (TV) channels in Japanese, and English featuring real-time coverage of the ongoing events, business, weather news, movies, drama, sports, music and more. Watch Live TV Online for Free.
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- Location: Caribbean
- Area: 377,835 km²
- Capital: Tokyo
- Main Cities/State(s): Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Nagoya ...
- Main Attractions: Kinkaku-ji, Mount Fuji, Arashiyama ...
- Neighbor County(s): Taiwan, Philippines, Russia, South Korea, China, North Korea
- Population: 126,854,745 (2019)
- Internet Users: 118,626,672 (2019)
- Currency: Japanese Yen
- Official Language: Japanese
- Country Code: 81
- ISO Codes: JP / JPN