List of All TV Channels from Arizona
A list of Arizona television (TV) channels featuring real-time coverage of the ongoing events, business, weather news, movies, drama, sports, music and more. Watch Live TV Online for Free.
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Arizona, a southwestern U.S. state, is best known for the Grand Canyon, the mile-deep chasm carved by the Colorado River. Flagstaff, a ponderosa pine–covered mountain town, is a major gateway to the Grand Canyon. Other natural sites include Saguaro National Park, protecting cactus-filled Sonoran Desert landscape. Tucson is University of Arizona territory and home to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.
Capital: Phoenix | Minimum wage: 10.00 USD per hour (Jan 1, 2017) | U.S. House delegation: 5 Republicans and 4 Democrats (list) - (Source: google)