List of All TV Channels from Hawaii
A list of Hawaii television (TV) channels featuring real-time coverage of the ongoing events, business, weather news, movies, drama, sports, music and more. Watch Live TV Online for Free.
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Hawaii, a U.S. state, is an isolated volcanic archipelago in the Central Pacific. Its islands are renowned for their rugged landscapes of cliffs, waterfalls, tropical foliage and beaches with gold, red, black and even green sands. Of the 6 main islands, Oahu has Hawaii’s biggest city and capital, Honolulu, home to crescent Waikiki Beach and Pearl Harbor's WWII memorials.
Capital: Honolulu | Statehood granted: August 21, 1959 | State fish: Reef triggerfish | State flower: Yellow hibiscus | Population: 1.42 million (2014) - (Source: google)