All New Jersey Magazines Online
A list of New Jersey magazines featuring celebrity news, movies, music, celebrities, TV shows, entertainment, fashion, sports, business, arts, personal health, and more.

New Jersey
New Jersey is a northeastern U.S. state with some 130 miles of Atlantic coast. Jersey City, across the Hudson River from Lower Manhattan, is the site of Liberty State Park, where ferries embark for nearby Ellis Island, with its historic Immigration Museum, and the iconic Statue of Liberty. The Jersey Shore includes notable resort towns like historic Asbury Park and Cape May, with its preserved Victorian buildings.
Capital: Trenton | Minimum wage: 8.44 USD per hour (Jan 1, 2017) | Population: 8.938 million (2014) - (Source: google)Design NJ
New Jersey Monthly Magazine
South Jersey
New Jersey Business
New Jersey Bride
New Jersey Stage magazine
Family Magazine
Out in Jersey
Jersey's Best

NJ Lifestyle

Newark Life
Suburban Family
NJ Cops Magazine

The Digest
Business Jet Traveler
Business Today
Clarkesworld Magazine
First for Women
The Fountain
The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education
Jersey Beat
Modern Drummer
The Music Trades
Princeton Alumni Weekly
Princeton Tiger Magazine
Weird N.J.
The Dawn
Financial Advisor
Ideas and Discoveries
Hudson Reporter Magazines
The Latin Mass
Lunchmeat VHS
Railfan & Railroad
R&B Showcase
Shelf Awareness
Speech Technology
Steppin' Out
Inside Jersey
The Journal NJ
Real Woman