LIVE TV Channels From Yemen
A list of Yemen television (TV) channels in Arabic, and English featuring real-time coverage of the ongoing events, business, weather news, movies, drama, sports, music and more. Watch Live TV Online for Free.
Belqees TV
Belqees TV is a Yemenite national television channel. It started broadcasting in 2015. It is owned by Yemeni activist Tawakul Kerman, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate for her role in the 2011 revolution in Yemen. موقع إخباري يمني مملوك لقناة بلقيس الفضائية، يرصد أخبار اليمن، ويناهض مليشيا الحوثي، كصوت حر معبر عن الثورة، يغطي كافة الأحداث بمهنية من سقطرى حتى صعدة، ومن تعز حتى عدن وحضرموت ومأرب تصفح اخر اخبار اليمن وأحداث الثورة اليمنية
Suhail Channel
Suhail TV is a satellite television channel owned and operated by Yemeni Congregation for Reform (Al-Islah), an opposition party in Yemen. The channel was launched in 2010. The Channels main office is located in Sana'a and its correspondents are located in all Yemeni provinces. سهيل نت
Yemen Shabab Channel
موقع اخباري مستقل؛ ساحته الرئيسية اليمن أولا، ثم الوطن العربي والعالم عموما- حيث تكون المعلومة جزءا رئيسيا وهاما لمشاركتها مع الجميع.
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- Location: Middle East
- Area: 527,970 km²
- Capital: Sanaa
- Main Cities/State(s): Sanaa, Al Hudaydah, Ta'izz, Aden ...
- Main Attractions: Dar al-Hajar, Marib Dam -The Great Dam of Marib, Jabal An-Nabi Shu'ayb ...
- Neighbor County(s): Saudi Arabia, Oman
- Population: 29,579,986 (2019)
- Internet Users: 7,903,772 (2019)
- Currency: Yemeni Rial
- Official Language: Arabic
- Country Code: 967
- ISO Codes: YE / YEM