TV Channels from Kentucky
A list of Kentucky television (TV) channels featuring real-time coverage of the ongoing events, business, weather news, movies, drama, sports, music and more. Watch Live TV Online for Free.
Central Kentucky Television
Frontlayer, Live Streaming Services - Live Streaming Providers - Roku channel development
The mission of KRCCTV is to make the member governments of the Kentucky Regional Cable Commission (“KRCC Members”) more accessible and understandable to the citizens of central Kentucky,
Louisville, KY's source for news, weather and sports - News, Weather & Sports
Kentuckiana’s source for Local News, Weather, Traffic, Sports and more, Louisville, KY,
Watch KET - Kentucky Educational Television Online, KET - Kentucky Educational Television Video
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Kentucky is a southeastern state bounded by the Ohio River in the north and the Appalachian Mountains in the east, with Frankfort the state capital. The state's largest city, Louisville, is home to the Kentucky Derby, the renowned horse race held at Churchill Downs on the first Saturday in May. The race is preceded by a 2-week festival and celebrated in the Kentucky Derby Museum year-round.
Capital: Frankfort | Minimum wage: 7.25 USD per hour (Jan 1, 2016) | U.S. House delegation: 5 Republicans, 1 Democrat (list) - (Source: google)